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May vary based on location. All packages include local stations.
Limited-time offer.
TDS TV+ for Business 1-Year Discount Offer: $15/mo. discount. Offer valid for business customers who complete a qualifying bundle with TDS TV+ for Business and Business Internet. TDS TV+ for Business must be a newly added service to qualify. Discount is for 12 consecutive months. After promotional period, standard rates apply. Offer(s) not available in all areas, and are subject to change without notice. Certain restrictions apply. If customer terminates any individual service that is part of the bundle, discounts are void. Customers with delinquent accounts are not eligible. Prices do not include Internet service, or required equipment and broadcast retransmission fees, federal, state, or local taxes and fees. Installation fees may apply.
TDS TV+ for Business: Wireless TDS TV+ for Business receiver signal quality/range may vary depending on interference, obstructions, and business construction. If signal quality/range is not sufficient, additional wiring may be required. A minimum of one receiver is required per account. A maximum number of TV+ Receivers may apply. Compatible equipment is required. In order to use the TDS TV+ Receiver over Wi-Fi, you must have a TDS-provided internet connection and modem. Normal fees apply. TDS TV+ for Business is restricted from use of On Demand, DVR and TV Everywhere features. Netflix and other OTT streaming apps are available, but subject to their proprietary Commercial terms and conditions. TDS is exempt from monitoring appropriate use of OTT services. All prices, packages and programming subject to change without notice. Package availability is limited based on whether a business is categorized as “Public” or “Private.” See website or a TDS sales advisor for details. Some channels are not available in all areas. Sports programming is subject to in-market availability and blackouts. Streams are utilized and provisioned over your internet connection. Bandwidth may restrict the resolution and the number of concurrent TV streams delivered to the business; impacting the number of programs a customer can watch at the same time. Equipment provided by TDS must be returned upon termination of service or unreturned equipment charges will apply. Return shipping charges may apply. TDS TV+ for Business may not be available at all TDS service locations. Google is a trademark of Google LLC.